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This Is Northern New South Wales

Beastman live art exhibit

Art Park was pleased to bring Sydney street/gallery artist, Beastman to Byron Bay. During the Friday night event he painted a large mural inside the Art Park Gallery. Spraying completely by eye (no careful measure up!), the piece took 5 hours to complete. The 200+ crew who attended the event were stoked to see art created before their eyes!

The mural will remain in place for 1 month and can be viewed at 5/11 Banksia Drive Byron Bay Arts and Indy Estate.

Beastman is an artist based in Sydney. Influenced by the beauty and symbolism behind nature’s repetitive geometric patterns and organic lines, Beastman’s tightly detailed, often symmetrical paintings depict a parallel world of hope and survival inhabited by his beastlike yet beautiful and emotive characters. These instantly recognisable and loveable deities have spawned from the elements of the earth, as if nature has come to life in a way we could never have imagined.

More info here: