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This Is Northern New South Wales

Casus Circus Comes To Town

On thursday night I went with a friend to the opening of Casus Circus. Without preconceptions or any idea of what I was in for my expectations drifted somewhere between the circus’s I’d seen as a child, (you know with clowning, bling studded costumes make up and regalia); and the street preforming bendy types of travellers, you see dotting the streets of cities making a buck by fitting in a box or juggling random objects. What we were treated to was something totally different. Knee Deep is a poignant production as much about emotional narrative, choreography, movement tension and theatre as it is about “circus” acts. The props and costumes, (or lack there of) highlighted the performers skills, and motivation without distraction. The show is accompanied by contemporary sounds and music that amplify the dramatics and gets the brow sweating. The four skilled performers from Brisbane continue tirelessly through the show, with the audience close enough to see every muscle twitch and brow strain. The deliberated almost stressed movements add to the weight of the narrative and allow the the spectator to really feel how hard the artists are actually working and the skill level involved to create such an art form.

Casus, Knee Deep is showing at the Byron Entertainment Centre On Friday the 17th at 8:00pm and Saturday the 18th at 3:00 pm and again at 8:00 p.m. If you get a chance to come along you’re in for a treat. The Entertainment centre is set  with a bar and cafe to make the experience even more enjoyable.