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This Is Northern New South Wales

Duncan Liddle

 Words and Photos by Kurt Henson

I have been getting to know Duncan Liddle over the last 6 to 8 months (our daughters are the same age) and he is a super nice guy, I saw him getting out of the water one day and his board had this really amazing spray that he had done himself.

Anyway, I went and watched him spray a board at his house the other day and took my camera along. It’ss like he knows the secret to the lost art that opens a doorway to mind surfing sick barrels that are always offshore. Duncan Liddle and his family have only been living in Suffolk Park for just over a year having relocated after a ten year stint in Europe working and surfing the fine beach-breaks of France’s south west.

“We chose Byron Bay as it seemed to satisfy both my wife Vicky and my needs and wants. For me it still has enough of a small country town vibe reminiscent of my childhood years growing up on the north coast. Pristine waves, wide open spaces and a chilled vibe. And for Vicky, who grew up in London it offers a mix match of cultures and ideas you’d expect to hear and see around an inner city coffee shop. This helps to make Byron a unique place.”

“My passion for airbrushing began in the 80’s when i sprayed for Wilderness Surfboards of Angourie. I then went on to complete a diploma in fine arts in Sydney. My airbrushed pictures and surfboards are very much in the 70’s style. As an art movement i would view it as the romantic period with moody sunsets,moonlit seas and swaying palm trees.”

If anyone wants to touch base with Duncan about is artistic flow, drop him an email HERE