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This Is Northern New South Wales

INSTANCES: The Art of the Maker


7aa02e59-7c0d-42ba-8c43-e13f3a16a97bTo make is to see. Making marks inside and outside the studio is a way of initiating a dialogue with oneself or the wider community, which in turn creates conversations that can be used to articulate an idea into an instance.

Whether it is drawing in a sketchbook, marking a canvas or spontaneously painting a public wall, this moment of interaction between artist and the surface creates new instances that may be drawn upon for further versions within the art making process. Or this could simply be a continued exploration of recurring characters and motifs.

This exhibition looks at the art of the maker and the various versions of work that come into existence throughout the process. Sketches and further iterations of an idea or concept usually go unseen and forgotten once the final work is completed, are all instances that were once at the forefront of the artist’s creative mind on their journey of making.

Spontaneous creativity is an examination of personal identity, community discussion, and social engagement is the focus of AUSTIN’S art practice. His exhibition will explore making and its processes.

Jeremy AUSTIN is a visual artist who works in a variety of mediums out of his studio in Lismore. Growing up in his father’s art store, surrounded by art materials his entire life he found himself becoming a keen mark maker. Never straying far from the tactile world he graduated with a Bachelor of Visual Arts with a focus on light projection, sculpture, and animation. AUSTIN’S work has been featured in International Animation Festivals both in Australia and London.

Now a keen painter, illustrator, street artist and screen printer, AUSTIN has continued his exploration into mark-making by creating new works in a variety of mediums for his latest solo show “INSTANCES” which opens Sunday, July 10 at Serpentine Community Gallery, Lismore.
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