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This Is Northern New South Wales

RAW – Translations


After a hugely successful first event, capturing an audience of over 750 guests on a rainy Wednesday in July. RAW Byron Bay promises an even larger show at next month’s second Showcase. The innovative independent arts organisation, wowed onlookers from near and far by introducing them to emerging local talent and exhibiting their work in a refreshingly dynamic way.

Armed with the mission of connecting artist so they can grow together, RAW continues to support independent artists in fashion, music, visual art, film, photography, performing art, hair and makeup in 80 cities worldwide on a bi monthly basis. RAW focuses on providing these artists with the tools and resources needed to inspire and cultivate creativity.

RAW connects the creative community both online and ( and offline. Locally, nationally and worldwide.“The response from RAW Byron Bay’s first show was incredibly positive throughout Byron Bay and the Northern Rivers. We have been overwhelmed with feedback saying that RAW has been the type of event people in the area have been waiting for” says RAW Byron Bay Director, Abbie Gibson. “We are overjoyed the audience and artists involved have embraced what we are trying to achieve. We are so excited to present our next showcase in September”.

RAW’s next Byron Bay showcase titled, “Translations” will be at The Beach Hotel  (4-10 Bay st, Byron Bay,NSW) on September 4th, 2013. The event will spotlight hand-picked Northern Rivers artist across various genres. RAW: Byron Bay will continue to feature new independent artists bi-monthly.

For more on RAW see  or contact above.

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