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This Is Northern New South Wales

SEE! ART SHOW (photos)

The Heavens cried and the rain came down in sheets but we’re soo not scared of water! Serious duck weather wasn’t enough to stop a huge turn-out to support it’s local artists, photographers, designers, foodies and the environment… With over twenty-something creative talents bringing something to the table, the See Art Show last Saturday night was beyond a success. The true individuality and quality of Byron’s underground art scene was wholly impressive. Work hung unpretentiously, and unabashedly from wall to wall, ceiling to floor…

Orchestrated by local duo, Diva Cory and Maria Nilsson who are each one half of  Real. Graphic Design studio. These switched on ladies are also environmental lobbyists saying no to plastic bags…creating art AND creating awareness. The beer flowed (in biodegradable, recycled cups) and the bands played. Some enviously good door prizes were won, donated heart- warmingly by The Critical Slide Society, Tallow, Art Park and more…. The evening as a whole- was a whole lot a’ fun…. The type of fun that leaves a clean, earth friendly taste in your mouth… and leaves you wanting more! For those of you that were there in spirit, here’s a hint of the evening and for those of you that made it – enjoy reminiscing!

Carly Brown & Claire Snel were there having fun and taking some
pictures too… Bon appetit !

see art show

Diva & Maria

Artist  Jesse Dolman and his penmanship.

Want more?… go to our facebook here!

some more supporters of the show: icon brand . early skateboards . howie hair . byron bay board racks . froth agencies . north coast print solutions . skull candy . stone and wood .