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This Is Northern New South Wales

A conversation with Dawn Walker

Dawn Walker at Brunswick Heads School Garden

Dawn Walker is The Greens Candidate for the Federal Seat of Richmond. Dawn moved to the Northern Rivers nearly 8 years ago and settled with her family into an old disused Post Office on the beach – a small white fibro shack with sea blue windows, a veggie patch, and a garden full of orange hibiscus. The bell on the door and the counter is still in place. Just the way the Postmaster left it.

“I enrolled the kids into the local primary school and we immersed ourselves in community life – P&C meetings, Coast care plantings, cultural heritage days with the local Indigenous community, surf club training, street parties. It was true community living”.

One Saturday, Dawn picked up the local paper and saw her home splashed across the third page. It was an article on beach shacks from sleepy seaside villages being transformed into multi million dollar investment properties. The newspaper had used a picture of their house as an example of how the area could be “redeveloped”.

“The article read – The new Hedges Avenue –You can go from this……”a picture of our house”……….to this…………”a picture of a massive McDonald style mansion.
This started a journey for me – it made me realise that the community life and the precious environment that I was enjoying – could not be taken for granted – that it was threatened and it needed back up”.

The “from this to this” headline – emphasised to Dawn the importance of a vision. This was an outsider’s vision – a developer who liked Hedges Avenue, Gold Coast and wanted to share the love.

Dawn knew that many people in her area didn’t share the developers vision – and their vision needed to be given a voice too.

“We live in communities here in Richmond – wonderful diverse communities that argue and tussle over issues but are held together by this powerful environment – our mountains, rivers, rich red soils, abundant wildlife and pristine coastline. The outside pressures however are mounting.
Global warming, industrialisation of our farms through CSG mining, underfunded public transport, cuts to single parents benefits and sprawling housing development to name a few.

Many in our communities have dedicated their lives to ensuring these outside pressures do not take hold in this region. For some this has been political – 4 of the five strongest booths for the Greens nationally in the last election came from Richmond. For some it has been a life dedicated to environmentalism with its associated report writing, submission deadlines, grant applications and project management. Others have stood on the front line – using their body and spirit to stop the destruction of our land, water and community life.”

“My job will be to stay close to this community and make sure we get a voice when developments are being decided for the region – to bring our community and our magnificent environment to the table – so we are heard.

And more than this – so we can contribute and in fact lead the national debate on renewable energy, sustainable communities, healthy small businesses, living cultural heritage and protected environments – because the Northern Rivers is a place that has always walked the talk. It’s a place worth fighting for. It’s a community with a vision.”
What’s your Day job?
I work as a small business consultant – assisting not for profit organisations develop ideas and projects and help get these great ideas off the ground.

What’s your idea of perfect happiness?
Being totally engaged in a creative project

Which living person do you most admire & why?
This year I hosted a visit from Bob Brown and Christine Milne – two extraordinary people who have committed their lives to standing up for what matters; caring for people and protecting the environment.

What’s your greatest extravangance?
Morning yoga on my local beach followed by a strong coffee and the papers.

What is your greatest passion?
To speak up for social justice and the environment.
What is your favourite thing to do in Byron Bay?

Catch a slow lazy wave at the Pass on my longboard.

Mullumbimby Community Gardens #4 Dawn Walker and Patrick Halliday