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This Is Northern New South Wales

A place of many faces…

Grazing : Byron Bay : Buy Print

Yep, Byron Bay is a place of many faces.

The clouds rolled in, sun tans replaced by a mild cloth covering. The masses hiding behind closed doors drinking Chai, whilst a few admired nature brewing up a mood, enjoying it’s serenity. There is such tranquility here within the raindrops, watching the cows graze, the ocean stir. A moment to think. A moment to reflect.

The many faces, of people that come and go from this transient hub, as Byron takes in a breath for itself. One can only watch on in awe , as the Bay awaits it’s exhale…

And bring forth a sunny day.

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Escape : Byron Bay – Photo : Kirra Pendergast

Reflect : Byron Bay : Buy Print

Awe : Byron Bay : Buy Print

The Club : Byron Bay : Buy Print

Awaiting : Byron Bay : Buy Print

November is a great time to score waves and take in the tropical surrounds in peace and quiet, before the crowds settle in for Summer. Your home for the week is a self-contained bungalow nestled in the bush right on the beach of Byron Bay. It is an ideal place to unwind, immerse yourself in yoga, eat some amazingly healthy and tasty food, and refresh yourself in the ocean each day. Visit Samudra Yoga for special offers and all our retreat listings at