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This Is Northern New South Wales

Alex Frings May Recap

Surf wise the month of May started with a Bang! Two memorable super sessions come to mind that went down in history as all time days. I could tell you stories or show you pictures but it wouldn’t do those days any justice. It was as good as it gets around here and you simply had to be there. The one day late crew once again, one day too late.

The rest of the month turned out to be a bit of a let down in terms of waves but the ocean made up for it with exceptional water clarity and the sky provided one crazy rainbow after another.

Kurt from Surf Sister and I went down to Evans Head and caught up with the current Aussie Champ Brittani Nicholl for a fun water shoot. Uncrowded surf, a steaming ocean and a pod of 30 odd dolphins made for a fun morning.

Congrats to my friends Claire and Tim who just got their first baby girl a few days ago! I took a couple of underwater shots of Claire a few days before she gave birth to Saskia May Manton. See below…

Apart from that I spent a fair bit of time venturing around with Sarah Lee who happened to be on a mini break from shooting for Alison’s Adventures. Good times…

Plenty more May moments from Alex HERE.