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This Is Northern New South Wales

Coffee and his Shutter

Keith Christie, the man to buy a “Coffee” from at the Sunday Market, has been out playing around with his camera, so “Coffee”, take it from here!

“I’ve been doing a lot of slow shutter speed photography due to the fact I love to shot the unusual. Last week had the right light, the moon was behind my back, and I was able to turn Broken Head at 1am into day.

Another photo I took caught the tail end of the last electrical storm, which is in this weeks Echo. When I caught this moment, I yelled out a pumped up YES!!!!!!. The last few days I went to the lighthouse to capture something, plans were thrown into disarray but got one hellishly moody shot.

I hope you like as much as I enjoyed taking them, and yes, I live on a weird time line but that’s just me.