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This Is Northern New South Wales

Common Ground Community Support Fund

The Common Ground Community Support Fund was established during the QLD Flood Crisis on the 9th of January 2011.

“As a business, the team at Common Ground, Tim Manton, Johnny Abegg, Dave Keam, Lachlan Pennefather and Kirra Pendergast, had been discussing ways that we could help contribute back into the communities in which we work and those that need our help immediately. The tragic floods in were the catalyst to establish the Not for Profit organisation.

“The smaller communities of Queensland’s Lockyer Valley, bore the brunt of the water that cascaded, like a tsunami, down the range from Toowoomba into this picturesque valley. We have spent a number of days up there in Withcott, Murphy’s Creek and Postman’s Ridge. This community is struggling and will take years to rebuild. In a lot of cases people have lost their livelihoods and their homes the damage is indescribable, and when driving into the valley seeing Blackhawk helicopters over head still searching for people that are missing is heart wrenching” says spokes person Kirra Pendergast.

The team at Common Ground reacted quickly to the flood crisis and have so far co-ordinated the donation of well over $20,000 worth of household groceries, clothing, furniture etc. We, like a lot of people that have generously supported us, want to know exactly where our donations are going, eliminate the majority of the sometimes enormous admin overhead taken by some “charitable” organisations… and we also want to see exactly how we were making some peoples lives easier, where our money and that of our member businesses is going…. for the long term ”the people of these communities would give you the shirts off their backs and yet seemed to be quickly forgotten when the national media turned it’s focus to the city – so we just wanted to do out bit by sponsoring a whole community to get back on it’s feet, even if all they took from the donations initially was some laundry detergent and pet food!….” said Kirra

The Common Ground Community Support Fund has been established to accomplish three things, Support Communities in their time of need, accept grant applications of up to $5000 for community projects and provide scholarships for talented kids to nurture their creative pursuits. Businesses will soon be able to become members of the organisation and membership fee’s and annual donations will be accepted in exchange for the use of marketing and PR material to show that these businesses have strong social responsibility and support their community. Cash donations are also welcome from businesses and individuals to support particular projects.

Right now that project is rebuilding the communities of Withcott, Murphy’s Creek & Postmans’s Ridge.

To make a donation you can click donate on the Facebook Page, make a donation online or at a Westpac Branch:

Account Name: Common Ground Australia – Community Support Fund
Westpac – Mt Gravatt QLD
BSB: 034089
A/C #: 102307

If you are outside of Australia:
Swift Code is WPACAU2S
Postcode for Mt Gravatt is 4122

Board of Directors: Tim Manton, Lachlan Pennefather, Amanda Walton, Jean-
Paul Afflick, Kirra Pendergast

For further information please contact:
Lachie Pennefather
Mb: +61 (0)429 99 1020
Skype: lachlan_pennefather