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This Is Northern New South Wales


Last Wednesday the latest Future Shorts Film festival was held in Byron. Joshua Wickett from Enigma Media Group put on a great show as his alter ego, JJ FANG (Elektro Synth Pop Duo) and Tommy Franklin warmed our seats with an energetic opening of contemporary movement and madness then we all settled down to the main event beer in one hand pop-corn the other. The features roller-coasted from hilarious to heavy, quirky and intense with some being a delicious blend of all above. The quality definitely shone through as almost all the films involved had won some form of international award as well as showing shorts from our locally affiliated movies The Meeting Place and  El Mar, Mi Alma. The lovely Jessie Prince  was there with her camera to shoot the excitement and she did a damn good job too!

Thanks Jessie for the imagery and Josh for putting on such a fun night – See you at the next one!