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This Is Northern New South Wales

Lisa Blue

‘Lisa Blue began with one girl’s dream’.

A few years ago Lisa Burke, designer for local label Lisa Blue (seen here modelling one of her Cover Girl bikinis), traveled to Tonga with the sole purpose to swim with humpback whales. Whilst swimming with them a mum and baby approached Lisa.

“A baby whale came so close to me that it looked straight into my soul. In that moment I promised that I would do what I could to help protect them and their environment”, Lisa says.

Two years later, in Byron Bay, Lisa again saw whales near the horizon about 6 kms away, deciding to paddle out on her surf board, whilst being ill.

“From my heart I began to call the whales. I longed to be close to them. After about an hour of being out there I decided that I was kidding myself and began to head back to shore”, Lisa says.

After several strokes Lisa stopped to rest, for some reason turning her head. 3 metres away a whale surfaced and looked Lisa directly in the eye. Elated Lisa powered back to shore, remembering her promise. It was time to take action.

Surfing, fashion, whales, dolphins, swimwear… hence began a plan to create a swimwear label that could help protect the whales and the dolphins. From the Blue was born my dream, Lisa Blue.

In Lisa’s words; “Lisa Blue swimwear represents the girl of the future who can be sexy, beautiful, powerful and environmentally aware at the same time. She is not afraid to share her beauty with the world and so shows other girls that they too can shine.”

Lisa Blue is actively supporting the protection of whales and dolphins. 25% of net profits from the sale of our swimwear goes towards the protection of whales & dolphins.

Lisa Blue is also having a SWIMWEAR SALE every Friday from noon to 5pm, 12/12 Tasman Way, Byron Arts and Industry Estate.