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This Is Northern New South Wales

When the smoke cleared

Bushfire-3Bushfire-1 Bushfire-2 Bushfire-4 Bushfire-6 Bushfire-7 Bushfire-8Several months ago, I first saw back burning up around the Chinderah area. I have been playing with the thought of incorporating that into a shoot.

When the smoke cleared from the raging bushfires that Lennox suffered a few weeks back, I thought I’d try and make something beautiful out of such an unfortunate event.

I teamed up with a friend of mine, Angie Geurs. Angie is the owner of a local label, Forever Soles, who specializes in custom embellished bridal shoes and accessories to adorn the soles. We held off for about a week. Waiting for that perfect moody late afternoon.

Finally the clouds started rolling in one afternoon, so we decided to go for it. We were greeted by a pretty surreal, ghost like scenery. It was like something out of a Tim Burton movie. If you’ve driven along the road between Byron and Lennox around 6pm, you’ll know what I am talking about.

We ended up shooting until the light was almost gone. The beautiful model Ella Dixon, in her white flowing dress, moved almost effortlessly through the ash covered landscape, and the new shoots of green. The dawn of a new day.