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This Is Northern New South Wales

Finding Inspiration

Belongil Beach Sunrise Belongil Beach SunriseBelongil Beach Sunrise Belongil Beach Sunrise Belongil Beach Sunrise5.30am. My alarm goes off and realize I’ve organized to shoot the sunrise with a friend. Slowly, I challenge myself to get out of bed in the dark, dress, grab my gear and make my way to the car. All the while hoping it’s gonna be a great morning to shoot. Arriving at my friend’s house near Belongil 10 minutes later i’m feeling more awake  and ready to make the most of the morning light.

Quickly, we decide on a destination and gauging by the colour in the sky and the time – we’ve gotta move fast! Belongil it is!

We scamper onto the beach and start exploring perspectives and style. The morning is fresh, a balm of salty mist surrounds, early risers exercise their minds and body while waves rhythmically wash back and forth. The sand is now a smooth-blank canvas freshly groomed from the previous days enjoyment.

Both of us find pleasure being outside behind a lens exploring life. Especially, I enjoy the silence, stillness and focused concentration that abounds the experience. Today, I am extra happy to be shooting with Carly Brown (freelance photographer) with our inspiration bouncing off each other as we play with the morning light, shaping and recording the experience with our camera’s.

However, not all of the experience is enjoyable. Moving around and exploring the scene ends with wet shoes and a sandy camera in the search for something different before the sun’s performance.

The sunrise at Belongil Beach has a stunning vantage point of Cape Byron that lights up during the sun’s morning climb. This morning was no exception with the sun and overshadowing clouds giving the cape an extra special glow. The sun’s presence was temporarily missing until it burst amongst the clouds throwing shadows, highlights, reflections and a variety of colours creating a fun playground to explore and capture.

It’s difficult to tell in the dark when I first wake if I’ll experience a good sunrise. I am finding the most successful way is to just go and look and watch for something amazing to happen. I feel just going worked today!

Just going in the dark on a cloudy day mixed with the beach, waves, trees, people and delighted dogs made it a fantastic experience and place to witness the magic light of the earth spinning around. I will be keeping it among my many favourite spots in Byron Bay!