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This Is Northern New South Wales

Fluro Fridays

Fluro_01Fluro_02It was Friday as I rolled down to The Pass, camera in hand. I was ready to see what the sunset had to say about the end of the week but what I got was far brighter.

The FLURO FRIDAY crew had invaded Byron Bay and the glare was something special. This lot are colorful, loud and know how to have fun on a surfboard. But most importantly, they’re all about kicking depression in the ass!

One Wave Is All It Takes, is a non-profit organization that was born in Sydney where their Fluro Friday surf sessions invade the beach every week to spread colour and life and bucket loads of good vibes.

Grant is one of the crew’s founders and he’s been through his share of the tough times. It was surfing that refueled his stoke levels and being the massive legend that he is, he wanted to share the good times and bring a little salt water therapy to those that are feeling blue.

“People need to know that even if you’re not on that perfect wave in life, that there is always someone there for you.”


Get involved, every Friday’s Fluro Friday… head on down to the Pass, 6:30am Friday morning.


See more photos from the day here on Johnny’s blog Le Sunshine here –
Also visit him on facebook –