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This Is Northern New South Wales

Get lost to find yourself

There is quote that I really like from “The Holstee Manifesto”. ( It says “Travel Often; Getting lost will help you find yourself.” No truer words spoken… So it was that i began this Sunday morning.
A quick drive into Byron for a swim at The Wreck and grab a hot chocolate at what i like to call “The Hole in the Wall” on Lawson St. From here i took the first of my photos for the morning, a Silver Lining, it was then i thought, hell lets travel West this morning and see what becomes of one….
From Byron and into the Hinterland, through Myocum, Coorabell, Federal and beyond I ventured. I think we often forget and even take for granted some of the most beautiful country side that sits only minutes from our Coastal Towns and beaches.
I am captured by the Greenery in the Hinterlands, its rich, strong, comforting and full of life…. and I just moved up that way.
Not only do you get to see the countryside but you always find a local or two to stop and have a chat to. I was fortunate enough to meet Alby & Zenny (on bike) this morning just having a father son moment.. We had a good chinwag… these are the priceless and grounding moments… Further west (well North West) I roamed until eventually I found myself confronting Mt Warning..
and that was when I thought, this is about as far west as I will get today…
So the moral to this story; do yourself a favour, jump in your car and just head west from Byron Bay, there is a treasure trove of adventure and exploring to be had just minutes away. Don’t plan, don’t worry about maps, don’t worry about getting lost (you’ll find yourself) and just go. Meet some locals and just openly explore with reckless abandon…
And TRAVEL, it doesn’t have to be far away or overseas, go travel in your backyard… Gold!