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This Is Northern New South Wales

Go West!

My mate Nigel is a bit of a nomad, he has spent many years off and on in Byron Bay… He currently resides near Margaret River in WA. While we endure the torrents of rain the heavens are sending our way, Nigel has sent through some photos of the West Coast.

Here are some words, photos and wisdom from our West Australian correspondent – Nigel Leigh.

“Its funny hey, I’m working 3 days a week, surfing my a@#$ off, plenty of time with my girls, eating so much good food, (probably sampling a little too much local wine !!), living so easily on $600 a week and really don’t have a care in the world.

As soon as I simplified and stopped chasing the 2 grand a week and worrying about coin it all just came together. I used to live like this for years, till I got into debt, got into big money jobs, bought more crap I didn’t need, got all tired and stressed from the demands of those jobs, went mad for a while, made some poor decisions and stopped enjoying life. Stuff That.

Apart from not having my close mates nearby, life’s never been better.

Here is a selection of beaches and surrounds that we visited over the last couple of weeks… This country spoils us with so many incredible landmarks… The east of Australia has amazing riches; I just thought I would share with you all a couple from the west. Enjoy.

Cosy Corner

Eagle Bay

Eagle Rays

Hamlyn Bay


Moses Rock

Ningaloo Station
