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This Is Northern New South Wales

Humble Waters

I consider myself pretty aware when it comes to the ocean. Surfing most days. Watching the winds. Observing the movements in sand for that next perfect bank.

The ocean is also my source of inspiration for taking photos, making movies and going for long romantic walks on the beach (I lie, I’m no romantic).So in combining two passion lately, I went for my first adventure in the ocean with my Nikon D800, covered in an Aquatech housing. The days have been a dream lately, so it was a perfect combination for some creativity…


That’s what I was thinking to myself about an hour into the session. You might know a thing of two on land in capturing moments, but when you are covered in liquid ailments, it’s a whole new learning curve and experience. Novice. A lot to learn buddy.

So… I name my first water photography voyage “Humble Waters”, because I thought I was going to nail it, but I didn’t haha. Enjoy the piccies!