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This Is Northern New South Wales

The view from Nguthungulli

DSC_4429So many people that live in Byron Bay have not had the opportunity to visit the Julian Rocks. On sunday afternoon there was space on one of the Sundive boat’s so we jumped at the chance to head out with the divers, the water was warm enough and clear enough to snorkel and the diving was clear and as usual there was abundant sea life with at least 14 Grey Nurse sharks hanging around one of the moorings.

I spotted a couple of turtles from the boat and whales on the horizon. Hoping they would come in closer to say hi, the divers all commented on how they could clearly hear them underwater.

Nguthungulli are very significant to the Arakwal people of Byron Bay. There are several important Dreaming stories associated with Julian Rocks.

In one story, Nguthungulli, Father of the World, who created all the land and the waters, the animals and plants, now rests in a cave at Julian Rocks. The Elders have instructed over the generations that Nguthungulli must be protected from any misuse or it will cause destruction. Nguthungulli was used by Arakwal people in ceremonies when the ocean water levels were lower 7000 years ago and it was accessible land. Today ‘the Rocks’, as they are often affectionately called, are a key protection zone of the Cape Byron Marine Park and known as one of the top 10 dive sites in Australia.

I love the peace of being out at sea, my brother Jy was at the helm of the boat and always has amazing stories about what he see’s each day in his office, on Sunday morning it was a massive white majestic sea eagle that took a seagull mid air and apparently flies all the way back to land with it in it’s tallons before eating it for breakfast.

These photo’s are taken from the boat – just of the view for those of you that want to know what it actually looks like out there.

If you want to  have a dive or a snorkel and check out the view yourself contact Sundive  7 days a week on:

Free call: 1800 008 755
Phone: 02 6685 7755
Shop 8, 9-11 Byron St, Byron Bay NSW 2481  (entrance on Middleton)

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