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This Is Northern New South Wales

Over the Great Divide

Sometimes you need to get off the grid. Disconnect. Slow Down. Last Friday afternoon I hit the road ….just me, my camera and a few well chosen items of clothing to keep me warm and a great playlist on the stereo, loud VERY loud.  And I sang loudly to myself all the way. Everything from Roy Orbison to The Pixies, Neil Diamond to The Kills….and I was fabulous.

Just short of three hours drive over the Great Dividing Range west through Casino and Tenterfield I arrived in Stanthorpe, a place that holds a special place in my heart. A place that I know will always draw me back – time and time again. A place I want to own a farm in the middle of nowhere one day. There is something about this town that had me at hello when I first visited last year….I can’t quite put my finger on it, but a strong Art, Wine and Music culture may just have a little to do with it.

I rented a cottage on the side of Mount Marlay that had two fires places…and limited phone reception.I just needed a change in scenery, a change in pace, bursting out of the bubble that is Byron…just making time to be me.

And being me all weekend was all I did, I spent time being shown around by two awesome people who love and adore Stanthorpe…. and quite clearly each other. Inspirational.

I fell in love with the colour of the region, ochre’s, mauves, purples, reds, the occasional bright yellow burst of wattle. So this is the first of a few stories I will share about Stanthorpe. This story is all about colour. The colours I saw through my camera. Colours influenced by bushfire and frost.