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This Is Northern New South Wales

Mullumbimby Highschool’s – Bailey Pheloung & Zane Susca

  • People

PortraitOn sunday at The Mullum Music Festival, Sean Kenny and I had the pleasure of mentoring two Year 9 students from Mullumbimby High School. We met them over breakfast at The Poinciana Cafe and then took them out to photograph the street parade before they went off for the day and captured some great images of the festival. Introducing Bailey Pheloung, and Zane Susca we asked them to write a little bio and share their favourite photographs they shot at The Mullum Music Festival.

Bailey Pheloung

I am currently attending Mullumbimby High School and am in year nine. This year I was given the opportunity to choose an elective subject and of course jumped at the chance to study photography. I have always enjoyed capturing the moment through images and love to share them with friends and family. My passion was ignited back in 2010 when I received my first camera. It was a compact Samsung, which I took everywhere I went. I have slowly gained experience and am trying to improve my skills everyday and hope to one day become a professional photographer.

One of my favourite photographs from the day would have to be the one of the small band busking outside. I particularly like it because it has captured each musician’s expression and every one’s is different. I think the photograph has captured each musician’s role in the band.

Overall I most enjoyed just taking photos of the people on the streets that were getting around, whether it was buskers on the side walk, people in and amongst the street parade or even just some cool characters making their way around town.

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Zane Susca

I am a fifteen year old living in South Golden Beach and am currently attending Mullumbimby High School in year 9 where I was offered the chance to photograph for Common Ground. I first knew the love for photography as a youngling viewing my fathers images that he had taken of me and the family so I started taking some of my own and grew very passionate of the hobby. By Christmas 2014 my mother realised this and bought me my very own Nikon D3200 which is what I’ve used and cherished to this day. I would like photography to someday be my life and to become a professional level photographer would make my day.

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