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This Is Northern New South Wales

Terry Cronin – The Buffalo Girl

Terry Cronin is a very inspiring lady who lives in Byron Bay, and works out of our centralised creative hub, the Arts and Industry Estate, running her label Buffalo Girl. It’s a wild-west inspired label of handcrafted leather gems, so fellow creatives of the Byron feminine Spell did this little interview with Terry, as well as a wonderful video of Terry’s life as a creative… Enjoy!

How did Buffalo Girl come to fruition?
Growing up in New Zealand riding horses and dreaming of the Wild West lead to the launch of my label Buffalo Girl about 6 years ago.  I have always been infatuated by the American indian and the vast landscape of the wild west.  I was drawn to the colours of the dessert, the spiritual quest of the symbolic phoenix eagle and strength of the turquoise stone.  My horses have always played a big part in my creations, from the colour of the hand dyed leather to the tassels and the carvings.  I never intended to create bags for fashion, my intention was to bring my visions to life.

These days Buffalo Girl signifies the carefree spirit, adventure and beauty.

Have you always had an affinity with leather and the creative process?
I have always made things from leather.  I use the old world stamping and carving with my own modern interpretation.  I like to show strength and simplicity together.  I’m a dreamer!  I am not sure if I follow a “creative process” as such, my creations come from my thoughts.  When I put the bags together I see the bigger picture.  I am transported into the landscape of my dreams.  I see the animals, the adventure and the spirit behind them. At the moment a lot of my bags are limited edition because I can’t stop seeing new things.  I love to keep the story evolving.

What’s it like being a small business owner in Byron Bay?
Living and working in Byron Bay is one of the best places Buffalo Girl could be.  The artisan culture, the beaches, the lush country side all inspire me to create.  There are a lot of like minded designers and retail shops in the area who support each other.  Some strong supporters of my label have been Spell Designs and Helen & Sam at Island Luxe Bangalow and Island Luxe Tribe in Byron Bay.  Its a wonderful place to own a small business.