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This Is Northern New South Wales

Who is Jacinta Rose?

  • People

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I rested my camera in between shots to watch in awe as her body spun, lifted, and twirled around. I suddenly felt clumsy in her presence, like maybe my photographs couldn’t capture just how beautiful this was. The street lights pushed her shadow against brick walls, closely following her lead up and down the alleyways.

Who is Jacinta Rose?

“Passion itself is something that I am passionate about”

Jacinta is quiet, her words soft spoken, her smiles shy. But inside she explodes with passion! Passion for life, learning, dance, and change! This was ignited at 11 when Jacinta first started dancing. After developing stress fractures in her feet and told to stop dance ( soon discovered impossible ) she turned her attention towards discovering health sciences.

Her intense fascination for the human body has her now finishing her masters in exercise physiology, with the intent to sit GAMSAT next year (Graduate Australian Medical School Admissions Test) and with her appetite for constant learning Jacinta hopes that in some way her knowledge can help alleviate some of the suffering in the world- in particular underprivileged children. After a recent trip to India she listened to the stories of hardship told through innocent eyes, learning of all they endure only fuelled her desire to help.

But in the meantime some really simple things like exercise, coffee, dancing, science & art keep this go-getter happy.

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