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This Is Northern New South Wales

The House of Light Walking

The only time I really walk the lighthouse is when there is no surf, which was of course the case today.

It’s a Saturday. Breakfast at home. A couple of boiled eggs and a bit of a sleep in. Get moving around 8:30 and off to the great hill that lives on the most Eastern seaboard. A knight with a light on his head stands tall, watching the whales go by. Feeling like he doesn’t have much use these days. For passing ships anyway (with technology advancements in navigation and all).

But for a walk. It’s prime territory. The local magpie I passed cast a monobrow sort of a hello. The people were all smiles. It’s my 18th year in Byron town and ‘The House of Light Walking” is still a treat.

So the moral here is. Walk not surf.

Words and Photos by Johnny Abegg. Pics taken on the new Nikon D800 with a 50mm 1.4 lens.