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This Is Northern New South Wales

Kirra’s Hurricane Sandy Preparation

  • Travel

Common Ground has two Kirra’s – there is me here in Byron Bay attempting to catch up on my seriously overdue tax, and then there is one of our favourite contributors Kirra Cheers who left Byron for the Big Apple a few months back. So many people think that we are the same person (or that I use the surname Cheers as a pseudonym) and get our photographs confused all the time. I was asked again last week if I was Kirra Cheers, Oh how I wish I had her talent! so I am setting the record straight….no I am not Kirra Cheers, she would be the awesome chick who is currently living her dream as a 20 something year old photographer should, based in New York and loving it. Kirra and I share the same name and the same dream but she is living it right now, and bunkering down as hurricane Sandy approaches.

Don’t worry about her though – she has a magic Tutu, a bright pink one…and will be wearing it right now as it makes everything better.

This through from Kirra this morning…….

“Well we are in the final countdown until Hurricane Sandy hits and like a bitch with a bad temper, she gets bigger and angrier the closer she gets to impact. Although only being a category 1 storm, it is the combination of high tides and a predicted 11 foot storm surge that could cause all the problems.

I am on the edge of an evacuation zone – 50m to my right, everyone has been evacuated. Apparently there is a line and I fell the right side…just. I have made all the necessary preparations and stocked up on the essentials, wine, Vegemite and Nutella. You know me, sensible is my middle name. If the flooding gets too bad, I have a blow up pool and I can just float back to Australia. It’s not that far right?

Anyhow, I will post more photos as Sandy gets closer on

Oh and because I am a rock star, I was also interviewed for ABC radio. They are going to check back in with me because I am the expert!! You can view an excerpt from the interview here.