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This Is Northern New South Wales

Sailing in Santorini

SunsetOia-5I have always dreamt about sailing around the Greek Islands. When putting together my itinerary, it was the one thing I wouldn’t compromise on… For all its beauty – Santorini is not really a beach island. Getting up and down the caldera can be brutal and the beaches generally substitute sand for rocks. Santorini is all about the view, the stunning sunset and the impossibly clear waters. So Sailing makes perfect sense.

Who : I booked with Sunset Oia and could not have been happier. Think luxury catamaran, cute boys and open bar. Umm yeh….loving it.

Where: The boat departed from Ammoudi Bay – only a 10 min walk from my accomodation in Oia. Be warned – the walk down was fine  and the view was spectacular but definitely book a transfer back up. There is nothing fun about trying to climb the caldera and you will be too tired and hot to take in the view. Ammoudi Bay itself is picture book perfect. I was so glad I arrived early. I took a seat at the waters edge, enjoyed a cool drink and reminded myself I was living out my greek island dream – happiness.

Route: We stopped off at the hot springs for a quick dip before heading on to the Red Beach followed by the White Beach for more swimming. I enjoyed alternating between drinking wine, sun-baking and swimming. A BBQ lunch was served at our last stop at White Beach before we headed off in search of the sunset.

The Sunset: … famous in Oia and deservedly so but nothing is going to tempt me to tackle the hoards of tourists on the caldera who flock to see it. I held out till my sailing trip knowing I would have an unobstructed view and the peace to truly enjoy it. As the sun disappeared from view in all its golden glory, a round of applause went up around the boat. The whole trip was worth it just for this moment.

Thank You’s: Firstly, I would like to thank Sunset Oia for the experience. Secondly I would like to thank the crew for getting me drunk and taking me out partying in Fia later in the night and lastly I would like to thank my new friend Danielle who I met that day and later joined me to tear the dance floor up until the early hours of the morning. It was a memorable day/night/morning…

I would recommend the experience to everyone but in particular, solo travellers looking to make friends. For more information rates and availability – visit their website.

Kirra Cheers is currently living in New York but will be back in Byron Bay in January and is taking bookings for weddings.  She can be contacted through her travel blog

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