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This Is Northern New South Wales

Up High in the Sky

thepasslineup_N2A0332 _N2A9100 allaboveboard Byronultimatepano curvewave Mainbeachbyronbay thepass3
wategosWe thought it was right time to feature a few of Craig Parry‘s stunning photos of Byron Bay from the sky, and drop him a few questions about his evolving passion of photography…

We know a bit about you from your photography over the years, but how did it all begin?
Well, back in the day when I was around 5 years old, Mum would encourage my interest in photography. After playing with dads camera all the time she started buying me disposable water cameras for every birthday. From there its been pretty much a part of my life. I would draw my inspiration from National Geographic.

When did you start taking to the skies with your photography?
I would head up in a Helicopter once ever 6 months and it wasn’t cheap, so I bought my first remote helicam around 4 years ago, but over the past 2 years technology has really improved, so Im getting a better picture and longer flight time… Better results all round!

What keeps you inspired creatively?
I look at some of my peers work and that really drives me. Also the stoke people get from my work drives me as well. The passion I have for photography seem to get stronger every week!

Any rad projects you are working on?
Currently Im working with a good mate Nick Saxon, we are producing a new show for National Geographic and I first stop in the Maldives so Im pretty stoked on this new project, Im also working on my first book!

What sort of opportunities has your aerial photography brought you?
Its enabled me to capture an angle of places that has never been seen before, its exciting to be able to see the world from these angles. The project with National Geographic has been a result from my aerial photography/video work.

More from Craig –
