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This Is Northern New South Wales

Warning Climb

The last time I climbed Mt Warning I was 16.

Now double that in age, I did remember it being easier. Surfing fitness wasn’t helping me here, nor was it helping my good friends Dylan Harland and Husband/Wife duet Tim and Renata Ogayar.

We left Byron Bay at 3:30am. Sunrise was around 6am, so we made the mad dash to Mt Warning near the town of Uki, hoping we could ‘la da da’, skip up the mountain. Not likely.

Mt Warning is an 8.8km round trip walk, more of a climb, a steep climb for us! We did see a guy running the whole thing, and when we reached the bottom we past him in our car, while he was cycling!

Anyway, about halfway up, Dylan and I had left ‘Timata” in our wake. Torches and laughter soon gave way to the orange rays of sunrise from halfway up the Mount. We thought we were almost there, but a sign told us we had 4.4 kms to go. My legs were already as heavy as the big foresty trees that encompassed our journey. On we go.

The last part of Mt Warning is a super steep rock accent, which comes with a fitted chain to help glide your way to the peak. Just when you stop to catch your breath, your in for a solid last dance to the top. Up up we go!

Capturing breath, we were at the top of Mt Warning. The forecast was for clear skies, but as Dylan and I sat down for a cup of tea, our sweaty bodies were refreshed by light drizzle and no scenery or views to wander our eyes across. Tim and Renata joined us soon after, so together we enjoyed snacks andstories of each of our journey’s, but we knew what was up next…

The accent.

For more facts on Mt Warning –

Words and Photos by Johnny Abegg –
Photos taken on a Nikon D7000 with the 18-200mm, 50mm and fisheye lenses –