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This Is Northern New South Wales

Whale Song

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Saturday morning we jumped on board a Byron Bay Dive Centre Whale Watching Tour and headed out to sea. We could not have asked for a more perfect day. It was one of my dearest friends birthday and this was a special way of sharing a day celebrating a very special lady. The whales seemed to know it as well, they put on one hell of a show for us! Almost like they were showing off for my camera.

Being the most Easterly Point of the Australian Mainland, at the moment you can see whales from any vantage point along our spectacular coastline. We are right in the middle of the annual migration of our beloved humpback whales. Their numbers once dwindled to a few thousand and this year we can expect to see at least 20,000 heading north. With the Japanese Whalers out of the way for a while it seems that the whales are celebrating, breaching and what looks like waving with their fins at every opportunity. Rob, the skipper of our boat told me that he stopped counting at 100 breaches from one whale a couple of weeks ago.

If you haven’t been on a whale watching tour – please do yourself a favour and get out there!

Byron Bay Dive Centre are running up to 3 tours a day at the moment (weather permitting) you can contact them on:

02 6685 8333 or get more information from their website

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