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This Is Northern New South Wales

Within Bordered Range

A little whiles ago, but still so fresh in the memory bank, I found myself outside of my own bordered range.

Zig-zagging the hinterland roads, from Lismore to Corndale to Dunoon and a visit to the Whian Whian, where a waterfall of boozy teenagers invited us to join them. No thanks. To the corner of our eyes, we followed the flow of water up stream and found our own quiet paradise.

After a chilled refreshment, the cute windy roads and green pastures lead us to Nimbin. Through the rainbow landscapes and funky textures of the buildings and landmarks lived a darker undertone. Drugs? Depression? An open mind that we didn’t understand? We felt uncomfortable and moved on.

Free again as we drove the open road, towards the Border Ranges National Park, to one of the most amazing view points, The Pinnacle. An hour or so driving the winding incline, with multiple ‘ahhhh’ moments of magic scenery and rain-forest, we found ourselves at our end destination at sunset.

With the clear and cool skies, we took a moment to reflect on our one day journey, staring out into the ranges, only a stone throws from our own of Byron Bay, comforted within the ranges of another.

Enjoy the pics of a thousand words…

Words and Photos by Johnny Abegg. Photos taken on a Nikon D7000 with an 28-300mm lens and a 35mm/1.8 lens.