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This Is Northern New South Wales


When you mention the words ‘juice cleanse’ to people, you are often met with mixed reactions. There are the health enthusiasts that have most likely already done every cleanse under the sun and are more than willing to share their last experience in graphic detail. There are the people who would rather pass up one of their limbs than embark on five days of green liquids. Or there are those who fall in the middle of the spectrum, perhaps curious about dabbling in a detox of some kind, a little hesitant about what that will entail and possibly apprehensive as to whether they can pass up their daily coffee, their Sunday brunch, that nightly piece of chocolate or their Friday afternoon glass of red.

Sol Cleanse, a juice cleanse company located on the Gold Coast, has taken all of these various factors into account when devising their cleanse programs. Owned and run by an energetic team who love life as much as they love health, they have carefully crafted a series of cleanses that are designed to fit everyone’s needs, from the health nut to the working mother to the athlete to the detox newbie.


There is no denying that taking a break from solid foods has tremendous benefits for your overall health and wellbeing. Typically, when people think of a cleanse, the general outcomes they are expecting may be to shed a few kilos, to pull themselves out of a negative eating rut or return to a more alkaline state after a period of a little too much intoxication.

Embarking on a cleanse offers even more positive benefits that you may not consider when jumping on board. A cleanse enables the body to let go of stored toxins and stagnant waste matter that is a natural result of a lifestyle that includes meat, dairy, alcohol and processed foods as well as stress and environmental pollution. A cleanse can help to heal and strengthen your digestive system, giving the body a break from the process of digesting food and redirecting that energy to healing the internal organs and replenishing cells and tissues in the body. A cleanse can help return the body to an alkaline state which helps to strengthen the immune system, calm overtaxed adrenals, promote better mood and stabilize sleep patterns. As well as clearing out the old, a juice cleanse also offers a steady influx of new, vibrant vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that properly nourish the body and allow it to naturally thrive.


Taking into account people’s busy schedules, affiliation for stimulants, lack of time and real desire for a healthy easy alternative, Sol Cleanse offers the perfect remedy, appearing at your doorstep, juice supply in hand, easy instructions included and inspiration delivered to your email inbox daily. Who can say they don’t have the time for such a friendly and efficient service?

After signing myself up for a five day cleanse, the bubbly delivery driver appeared at my doorstep on a Monday evening providing everything I would need for the first three days, promising to return with the final two days’ supply on Thursday. I filled my fridge with the bright coloured juices, read over the leaflets that offered simple schedules and advice and looked over the goodies that were included in the pack – a stainless steel straw, a stainless steel tea strainer, a lovely drink bottle and sachets of chocolate flavoured protein, psyllium husk, probiotic powder and a herbal tea. The juices, powders and teas were all labelled with affirming names – I am Joy, I am Happy, I am Light, I am Strong – exuding a real personal touch and degree of thoughtfulness that is appreciated when embarking on a journey into new territory.


The first three days passed in the blink of an eye. While in the past, cleanses had left me feeling hungry, fatigued or with sporadic digestive discomfort, the routine offered by Sol Cleanse ensured that every few hours a delicious juice was enjoyed or a chocolate protein shake was allowed. With 5 juices spread over the day, as well as herbal tea and the protein shakes, never once did I think longingly about food nor did I feel my energy levels dip or waiver. Only the slightest traces of those symptoms ever arose, but certainly nothing to deter me from continuing onwards.

The final two days were equally as enjoyable. The quality and freshness of the juices was remarkable, each one a real flavour explosion that I looked forward to time and time again. By the weekend, I was excited to return to the sensation of solid food, but also a little disappointed that the week had come to an end. The convenience of having the juices ready to go each day offered me so much more time and productive flow in my days, and the ability to forget about cooking, eating and shopping was a lovely break from my usual routines in the kitchen. I enjoyed waking invirogated each morning, having had less yet more fulfilling sleep, with greater mental clarity and a lightness of being throughout my day that only a deep cleanse can truly offer.


Chatting to Miriam a few months ago now, she shared the reasoning behind starting Sol Cleanse: “Sol Cleanse was born out of a desire to bring our passion for healthy, vibrant living to others. With our strong background in health we felt that we could share our knowledge with others and deepen their own personal journey towards health and happiness. We also felt that we could bring more to the cleanse experience than just juice. So we also focus on the unique ability that cleansing has to uplift mind, body and soul.”

Keeping in line with their desire to make the world a healthier and better place, everything Sol Cleanse does abides by their strict, environmentally friendly policies, as Miriam explains: “Sol Cleanse is a conscious movement connected to Mother Earth. We aim to be as sustainable as possible. We support local organic farmers to source the freshest, purest produce possible. We keep our juice pulp for compost to be used by our local farmers in their organic gardens. We use glass bottles, which retain the nutrients better than plastic and leave a smaller carbon footprint on our planet. We consciously chose wide-necked glass bottles with little marketing in hopes that you will reuse your bottles. We utilise recycled paper for our printing and stationary. We provide a stainless steel reusable straw with each cleanse. We love and care for our planet and we hope to become even more sustainable in the future!”


Sol Cleanse has only recently added the Byron Shire into its home delivery service, allowing local residents the chance to select one of its programs to enjoy in the comfort of their own home. The various levels allow for customers to select a light cleanse to refresh and revive or a deeper cleanse to heal and transform. Pre- and post-cleanse information is provided and the team are always accessible if there are any questions or concerns throughout the duration of the cleanse and beyond.

In our fast-paced world, taking time out to nourish our body and health is so very important, but if taking time out isn’t a real option, the various programs offered by Sol Cleanse allow you the ability to do your body a real favour, enjoying healthy, nourishing and delicious drinks designed to reveal the very best version of you possible. I know I for one will be embarking on another liquid adventure in the not too distant future.

To read more about Sol Cleanse and their various cleansing programs visit their website at