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This Is Northern New South Wales

Introducing Photographer Ricky Forsyth

PhotoCredit_Kirra_Pendergast--7Hi, I’m Ricky Forsyth and I am a photographer, dad, musician, barman based on the picturesque coastline of Northern NSW. Although I have always had a keen interest in photography, it wasn’t until I moved to Evans Head from Melbourne that my interest in photography grew into something more than just a simple hobby. With the region’s abundance of diverse landscapes and some of the most stunning coastlines in the country, capturing moments in time for me, seemed like the natural thing to do.

As a young child, and being the younger sibling of a gifted swimmer, I was always in the water by default and soon became accustomed to spending extended periods of time in both pools and in the ocean. With the combination of confidence in the water, surf knowledge and the evolution of water cameras, the art of water photography became more accessible and after a short time of taking a few water shots, I was hooked. I started with a point and shoot water camera which was mediocre at best and frankly was not durable enough for the style of photography that I wanted to capture. The release of the GoPro 1 in 2006 was a game changer in the industry and allowed me and like-minded peers to get the close-up shots of shore breaks and surfers without fear of breaking equipment. This technology grew with every new release and the quality in these compact devices never ceases to amaze me.

After a short time, I felt as though I wanted to get a little more creative with my images, so I invested in a Nikon DLSR and an Aquatech water housing which allowed me to expand my knowledge and increase my photography skills. This then led me to delve into other genres of photography such as landscapes, coastal lifestyle, long exposures and even experimenting with astro photography. It was a huge learning curve for me and without any formal photography training, there was a lot of trial and error. I soon learnt not to be afraid to ask for advice from more experienced photographers who are usually keen to pass on their knowledge.

If I had any advice to anyone considering taking up photography it would be to simply keep at it and don’t give up trying and of course, learning. Usually, you will be working with nature which doesn’t always do what you want it to, but you still need to be there as it will sometimes create something unexpected and you may capture something unique. Don’t be disheartened if you don’t get ‘the shot’ every time. Photography for me is about being right there in the moment and I think this part of the attraction. Is what drives photographers to get up and hour before dawn to shoot the sunrise, or to jumping the water on chilly winter mornings, or drive for hours to scope out new locations.

Weather I am taking shots of shore breaks, surfers or a cracking sunset at the pass, it’s all about enjoying the moment and taking in what’s happening around you and keeping an open mind. This is what keeps photography interesting and fresh.
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