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This Is Northern New South Wales

People to know: Natalie Kiryk – Second Loves

KP – Claim to fame/day job/hobby/what are you known for?
  World traveller, nomadic wild child aka party animal haha! 
Personal claim to fame – Living a more sustainable lifestyle, learning to slow down and live simply in our fast paced world. These are conscious decisions I have made over the last few years and will continue to refine into the future. 

KP –  Is it your passion or just something you do? My passion is vintage and secondhand clothing and somehow have the knack of finding {sometimes they find me}, beautiful and unique, good quality, vintage pieces that I love on-selling to happy customers. Through this process I feel its most important to spread the word about conscious consuming, up-cycling and re-using. It’s a way life and clothing is a great place to start, simply by buying vintage and secondhand. My furniture, towels, linen and most things in my house are all secondhand or vintage. Along with my van, bike, surfboards, you name it, you can get it pre-loved. And it’s usually cheaper, better quality and can come with a pretty cool story. 

KP – Typical day?  That’s a tricky one as my job is far from a 9-5 or set weekly roster. I feel lucky to have a lot of freedom and flexibility. Although there are some very long days at times, when necessary, market days are physical and require long hours. Last year was one of the toughest with some near to 24 hour days, while I was building and designing my website, as well as working three other jobs. But now the rewards are infinite and I feel I have designed a life I love. 

Rough idea…
– Wakeup – Meditate + stretch
– Surf/yoga/run
– Emails + social media / marketing / press
– Research + applications for upcoming markets
– Washing clothes / mending pieces {my sewing lady is the best!}
– Up keep of the website / design / online store
– Lunch in my backyard or by the ocean, or at a cafe. I especially love to find new cafes when I’m on the road. I’ve      spent hours in some and also libraries getting work done, hence I’m at the Pass Cafe now.
– Sending parcels + running errands.
– Sourcing new items. Maybe a quick stop at the local op shops when I have time or more of a planned day of       sourcing when I’m on the road. A vintage store if I’m lucky to stumble across one. When I’m travelling I love not knowing what’s around the next corner, letting things happen organically.
– Steaming clothes / photography of clothing / photo editing
– Evening- surf/yoga
– Dinner/friends/movie/music/soirees/dancing
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KP – What is your greatest achievement? Turning my passion into my dream job and being able to work for myself. Creating a job where I have the freedom of travelling continuously, being able to work from where ever I am. Second Loves started as a hobby when I was studying Graphic Design and working as a nanny, which is a job I had done on and off overseas for an amazing ten years of travelling in my twenties. Whilst studying I gained the skills that now help me with my business such as photography, graphic design and web design. 

KP – What is your favourite Travel destination/why? My favourite place to travel is any beach destination, where I can pull the van up, open the back and check the surf. Brew some homemade chai and cook a meal, open my laptop and do a little work, meet some locals and surf new breaks. If I had to choose a specific destination it’s the island of Kauai, Hawaii. Super fun waves, beautiful friendly people and the most stunning  landscapes. 

KP – What is your idea of perfect happiness? I’m finding more and more keeping things simple tend to bring me the most happiness. Being active and outside. A beer at the beach for sunset. Finding a healthy lifestyle and balance of work and play. 

KP – Favourite inspirational quote?  
Theres a few but right now.. 

’It is health that is real wealth not pieces of gold or silver.’ Mahatma Ghandi

KP – Science or religion or both? Religion may just be one of the biggest cons in the world today.. Science – yes and no being connected to nature and belonging to the country is what’s important to me. 

KP – Who are your heroes in real life? my heroes in real life are people doing something for the greater good, bettering others and our planet. 

KP – What is your most treasured possession? I’m focusing more on collecting memories and not possessions. But .. ok i do have a few pretty special vintage pieces of clothing in my personal collection. And I wouldn’t want to live without my surfboard + van right now. 

I am so grateful to be based out of beautiful Byron Bay and surrounded by so many creative and inspirational friends and people in this community. You can shop by appointment at the Second Loves Studio when I’m in town – email to make a time. You can find me at the Byron + Bangalow markets most months. Or check out my little online store – 

I couldn’t be happier that I get to travel often and explore new places, lives too short to stay in one place. Being on the road brings calms me. Having my van is showing and teaching me more and more that we need very little to really be happy. Less space, less stuff, more life! Its about the experiences one has and the people they connect with, that is living to me. My work on the road leads me to many different markets, pop-up shops and events and each time I have the pleasure of meeting new and amazing people, as well as visiting friends and family along the way. 

“With the knowledge that is available in our modern times, we all have a responsibility to act in the name of fashion consciousness.” Heidi Middleton
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