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This Is Northern New South Wales


  • Music

They are hairy, they sing in Russian, and they love vodka.

Mullum’s 26 strong mighty Russian man choir has bought the house down wherever they perform. Whether it be their packed shows at Woodford folk festival, Mullum Circus Festival, Falls Festival Arts Village & Bello Winter Music, the lovable mob has stunned audiences with their emotive, sometimes humourous, but always heartfelt renditions of Russian songs. 

Led by choir master Andrew Swain, and a vodka or two, the lads are excited to bring their songs of love, loss and life’s trials and tribulations back to where it all began – the Mullum Music Festival later this year. 

Join Dustyesky and special guests at the Mullumbimby Ex-Services Club for an unforgettable evening of entertainment!

October 15th19:30–22:30Tix at the door (Adult-$15 | Youth: $10 | Child: $5 | Under 5yrs FREE!)

Photo Credit Anna Swain

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