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This Is Northern New South Wales

Graveyard Train thursday!

This Thursday night the 1st of September, Australian band Graveyard Train are dragging their chains and washboards all the way to Byron …The past year has been an incredibly busy one for the band; they recorded their critically acclaimed 2nd LP The Drink The Devil & The Dance and launched it to a sold out Corner Hotel (Melbourne, Australia) before immediately heading off to a 18 show tour of Europe and the UK.

This totally entertaining group embody everything that feels familiar but can only be described as one of a kind … The songs are a mash of blues, slash country, slash balladic hill-billy horror, they have a whole lot of humour and it’ll be a whole lot a fun!… Conjuring dark images of Cormac McCarthy novels, and late night western thrillers the band has a BIG sound emanating from their six – baritone thick “man choir”. I stumbled across Graveyard Train at a Melbourne show and am so excited to share with you all that they’re bringing their Banjos to Byron Bay. So bring your friends along to The Beach Hotel  this Thursday, get your foot-stomping on and Move Like a Mummy!