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This Is Northern New South Wales

Interview with Yolanda Be Cool | Sunday Safari

On the eve of Yolanda Be Cool playing at Sunday Safari this weekend, Nina Hill of anushkapr caught up with the duo…

Apparently you made ‘We Speak No Americano’ in two days, did you ever expect you would receive so much success from the single?

haha not in million years..

Working on your new album to be released later this year, do you feel the pressure to create something that will be bigger than ‘We No Speak Americano’?

No not really. I think we just wanted to release something that we love and are happy with. Music to us is and always will be about fun. We had no pressure when we wrote WNSA and used this same philosophy when writing ladies & Mentalmen.

Can you give us a glimpse of what to expect with the new album?

Umm. Well we released Change feat LA rappers Nola Darling as the first soft single from the Album. We didn’t want make a big deal out of it but its now sitting in the top 10 aussie club chart and radio stations are picking it up so we can’t complain.


People have described you as many different things and you obviously draw your inspiration from many different genres. How do you describe your sound?

Shit this is hard. We do love all types of music and styles. Our album includes tracks from 70 to 128 bpm. At the end of the day its all pretty much house music. Whether it be deep, tropical, underground or semi deeptropicalfunkytechyundground with a semi re-pitcehd vocal and a doof doof kick a sick bassline LOL. At the end of the day we just want to make music that turns you on. Whether it be as the sun goes down over looking Balearic beach or  at 6:00am in a dark basement in Berlin.

Having received worldwide success in such a short amount of time as a duo what more do you hope to achieve with Yolanda Be Cool?

We want to take our album concept “ladies & mentalmen’ global. We already have a annual Yolanda Be Cool boat party during WMC in Miami but we want to combine ‘Ladies & Mentalmen and host parties in all our favourtie places to play in 2013. WE are already started to plan the Ladies & Mentalmen wold tour which will include dates in all our favourate cities and clubs around the world. Super excited about this.

Originally from Bondi, Sydney now on world- wide tours how does if feel to be playing some shows in Australia?

Amazing… we love coming home. We also loving only taking carry on luggage when we travel. haha

You guys are confessed beach junkies from Bondi are you looking forward to visiting Byron Bay?

WE LOVE Byron and have both been coming here since we were kids… That rip out the pass can get a bit hectic though:)

It’s all going to be happening on Sunday at the Byron Bay Brewery. To get tickets to Sunday Safari, CLICK HERE. To win yourself a DOUBLE PASS, you can enter HERE.