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This Is Northern New South Wales

Immediacy – Butterfly Blue

  • Photos

Beach Dune
The weather has been moody and changeable. A bit like my photos. It’s fast, immediate and changing constantly.

There are always new and better apps for the iPhone to try and of course there is rarely time to say Hi and thank you for all the comments people leave.

Instagram has been changing and evolving with the takeover by Facebook and the introduction of android users. Many artists have looked further a field for new playgrounds or went back to their original photo sites. Instagram is still one of the most effective platforms to share photos.

I have been lucky enough to have a few features with my photos in particular the photos using slowshutter app. With the end of 2012 one of my photos was in an exhibition of Mobile Arts in Central London. The Pixel Revolution was the name of the show and I was extremely pleased to be included. It is an exciting time to be making photos and then share it with your followers who maybe on the other side of the world but share similar interests and ideas when it comes to photography. These platforms include Eyeem, Tadaa, Starmatic and Backspaces. Backspaces is my favourite. You share stories and images. Other sites that I can recommend are Flickr, Tumblr, DeviantArt, 500px and IPA not to mention all the personal blogs and websites people have.

Time is the major issue and should be secondary to what’s important in your real life.

Words and Images by Glenda Hubbard of Butterfly Blue, checkout her instagram page –

Beach Layer Beach Multi Blue Moves Dune Trees lone surf warrior Morning Blur Morning Grass silver surf storn break tallows dog walk Towards Broken Head