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This Is Northern New South Wales


Road Trip – New England

Because we love road trips we thought we would start documenting and sharing some of our favourites. For the first, we headed west over The Great Dividing Range to the region of NSW known as New England. There are great things to explore and photograph, from… Read More »Road Trip – New England

Holga in Autumn

This morning I went for a late morning walk with the extended family (someone special to us is getting married on Saturday). So I thought it was a nice opportunity to give a weird little Holga lens (for my Nikon) I bought on Ebay a… Read More »Holga in Autumn

Chasing The Moon

The moon is an elusive character. Ever changing. Bright. Thinks it’s better than us… etc. It proved Alex Frings and I had a few more tricks to learn this evening as we tried to line up ‘oh majesty’ with the lighthouse, thinking we had it… Read More »Chasing The Moon