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This Is Northern New South Wales


Love Your Little Ones, Naturally

‘Organic’ is the latest buzzword, ‘natural’ the newest trend. Health and wellness has been extolled as the fastest growing industry in the world, and it’s only getting bigger. We’re finally overturning the Baby Boomers’ infatuation with chemicals, pharmaceuticals, synthesised everything and enough preservatives to make… Read More »Love Your Little Ones, Naturally

Free the reef

This is not the first time the Great Barrier Reef has been threatened, few of us will be aware of the 20 year struggle to prevent the most wondrous coral reef in the world from being destroyed by the unlikely trio of a poet, an… Read More »Free the reef


While it’s almost impossible to talk about North Byron Parklands and the profusion of festivals in Byron Shire without getting into a heated discussion, one North Coast couple decided it was the perfect backdrop to celebrate their wedding anniversary. As thousands were preparing to ring… Read More »THE PARKLANDS PLEDGE


When was the last time you saw global warming? We’ve all seen the charts and read the stats, but have you ever tripped over a pile of greenhouse emissions, got scalded by a drastically heated ocean, been sucker punched by rogue freons or needed to… Read More »GARY TABOR: WAKE-UP CALL

Ocean Film Festival

Australian audiences will be able to immerse themselves in the wonders of the ocean without getting their feet wet this March as the Ocean Film Festival hits cinemas across the country. The festival, which features 11 of the world’s most captivating ocean-themed short films, and 6… Read More »Ocean Film Festival

Through Blinkered Eyes

So apparently I’m insane. Well, insane is maybe a little too strong a term, but definitely drastically eccentric. Funny – I thought I was a pretty grounded individual running my own journalism-slash-media business, not bumming off taxpayers, thinking globally, acting locally and generally being a… Read More »Through Blinkered Eyes

The Jabiru Bird

The Black-necked Stork (Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus) is a tall long-necked wading bird in the stork family. Over the past few years one or sometimes two Black-necked Storks visit the shire. Currently a juvenile near adult male and a female have been spotted at the wetlands, Brunswick… Read More »The Jabiru Bird