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This Is Northern New South Wales

Nikon d7000

Coloured Shoreline

Often ones thoughts get lost in whitewash. Walking along the edge of the sea. The crashes of water. Lovemaking with the shallow depths. You eyes see the intricate details of white and blue, to the humbling power of the sea as you lift your head.… Read More »Coloured Shoreline

The Quiet Before…

Waking up this morning, you can feel that there is a stir in the air. As a big swell builds from the South, today we are expecting a swell increase from 1-2metres in the morning, to 5-6 by this afternoon. This the quiet before… from… Read More »The Quiet Before…

Belongil Sunrise

A little wandering to self. Sunrise. The Northern side of the most Eastern point. Belongil. There’s always a place in Byron Bay to find a moment of space, as we salute the end of Autumn and welcome Winter. Photos by Johnny Abegg – Images… Read More »Belongil Sunrise

Monday Stroll

Nothing quite like a Monday stroll to start your week! Photos by Johnny Abegg using a Nikon D7000 with the 28-300mm lens

Beaches and Hinterlands

From the hinterland to the beaches of Byron Bay over the last two afternoons. Hope you enjoy. Photos by Johnny Abegg –

Beauty but a beast

“Douse it in Vinegar”, “rub sand in it”, “pee on it” “Use Stingose” over many years growing up on the beaches of Byron Bay I have seen to many screaming kids (my own son one of them)and adults that have been stung by “The Bluebottle”… Read More »Beauty but a beast

Broken Blues

I’ve been spending so much time at the beach, that’s it’s hard to upload some pics of the amazing days we have been having. Here are a few ‘Broken Blues’ moments from yesterday… Ahhhhh, the water must be at least 25 degress. I do know… Read More »Broken Blues

Dawn Conversations

Not sure if it’s sane to be up at 5am. But it feels good. That’s what Tim Manton, Heath Missen and I were chatting about when we bumped into each other at the lighthouse this morning. Even when you are wrapped up in the bed… Read More »Dawn Conversations