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This Is Northern New South Wales

thelma plum


While Byron locals were tearing their hair out, hindered in their daily tasks by an influx of both Christmas and Falls Festival visitors, unable to buy a simple loaf of bread without a 45-minute wait and spending the greater part of their mornings in traffic… Read More »WOODFORD: THAT OTHER FESTIVAL

Thelma Plum

Thelma Plum is the new girl on the Australian music scene. Beautiful, fresh-faced, a devastatingly talented songwriter and guitarist and with a delicate voice that makes your most desperate woes simply ebb away, she is what showbiz pundits would classify ‘a complete package’. She also… Read More »Thelma Plum

Boomerang Festival

Here at Common Ground we are super excited to see the introduction of a new multi-arts event called Boomerang Festival on the Bluesfest site at  Tyagarah Tea Tree Farm for a totally new experience. Taking place in Byron Bay on October 4 – 6, 2013, Boomerang… Read More »Boomerang Festival