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This Is Northern New South Wales

water photography


5:20am. The alarm clock goes off with a faint murmur. Don’t wake the baby. My first decent nights sleep in quite a while. 6 hours straight of undisturbed bliss. These little beings go off like a ship’s fog horn in the night. Like a burglar… Read More »B-Rolling

Boiling Waters – Alex Frings

These photos are a little teaser (plenty more here) of the last few days of the swell around Byron Bay. The surf’s been pumping, the water’s cleared up and autumn keeps busting out the colourful presentations of sunrise and sunset. I don’t need to tell… Read More »Boiling Waters – Alex Frings

Saturated Blue

The Pass. Tuesday Morning. Experimenting. Getting used to a Water Housing. The water is getting warmer. A few shots in my photography evolution. Photos by Anna Porter –

Sunsets and Silhouettes

It’s surely the end of Winter. Golden lights and clear skies are soon to be replaced with a new order of beautiful and the blossoming of Spring. There is also something about darkness. The shadows of watermen. Dodging and catching dragons as they heave towards… Read More »Sunsets and Silhouettes

Humble Waters

I consider myself pretty aware when it comes to the ocean. Surfing most days. Watching the winds. Observing the movements in sand for that next perfect bank. The ocean is also my source of inspiration for taking photos, making movies and going for long romantic… Read More »Humble Waters

Alex Frings June Recap

The month of June… where to start? Maybe with the most ridiculous double rainbow spanning across the Bay? Mega swells? An intimate photo shoot with shaping legend Jeff McCoy? More ridiculous rainbows? More swells? Without further ado, this is the amazing June recap of local photographer Alex… Read More »Alex Frings June Recap

Passing Afternoon

On Wednesday afternoon, I whipped down to the Pass for a quick evening water shoot session. It was great to see so many pumped locals out there, men and women, young and old. Perhaps the upcoming Byron Surf Festival has got everyone stoked right now.… Read More »Passing Afternoon