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This Is Northern New South Wales


Light meets Water

As we enter Winter, the sun moves through the sky on a lower radius. The top and tail of the day the light stays golden for longer, offering up some special moments like these, captured by 16 year old Tazman Murray.

When twelve strangers come to visit

Two resident Black Swans on the wetlands were visited by twelve strangers this week. Deb Pearse caught the action in the series of spectacular photos below…peace was restored with the visitors being moved to the bottom of the pond…for now at least.


I cried today when I watched the latest Osprey chick fledge. I cried because I was happy she’d survived the perils of being a chick (and there are many) and is safer now she can fly. But I cried too because I’m always sad that… Read More »Osprey

On any given Saturday

On any given Saturday there is always a story to be told through a lens. This morning was no different, magical moments in time captured forever. A giant Sea Eagle with his breakfast held tightly in his talons. My Dad and George Greenough discussing the… Read More »On any given Saturday

Morning Texture

These pics were taken this morning between 6-7am, snapped on a Nikon D7000 with the 35mm and 18-200mm lens

People Power

The Byron Bay community came together in a big, bold and beautiful way on Sunday for a Rally and March against Coal Seam Gas locally and nationally. CG Contributor Jarrah Linklater was down there to photograph the Protest Rally. It’s incredible to see how powerful… Read More »People Power