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This Is Northern New South Wales

Morning of the Earth

It was a stormy, dreary and wet Saturday night but inside the Gold Coast Arts Centre, the warm crowning glow of summer was generated by one hell of a performance.  Punters were transported back to the summer of 1972 as the surfing, culture and landscapes of pioneering film ‘Morning Of The Earth’ was brought back to life on stage.

I was lucky enough to join The Lundmark boys (Rest Your Eyes Productions) at the 40th Anniversary celebration that reignited the film and its original soundtrack for a live screening and performance by original artists Brian Cadd, guitarist Tim Gaze and with special guests Lior, Mike Rudd (Spectrum) and Gyan.

‘Morning Of The Earth’ illustrated the itinerant wanderer or drifter life of Australian surfers in the late sixties and early seventies and has captured hearts of audiences ever since.  With the blessing of the films creator Albe Falzon ‘Morning Of The Earth has been recut and re-mastered to emphasise the magnificent imagery of this truly classic Australian Film.  ‘Morning of The Earth is still the best selling Australian surf film in history and this astonishing live production was the perfect example of why.

The films creator, Albe Falzon says ‘the movie has stood the test of time because its theme is still relevant’.  This comment rung true as the show resonated tremendously across a mixed crowd of old silver haired sea dogs, young men, women and children.  Kids as young as fifteen sat glued to their seats, hanging on each wave as they sang every word of every song as though from their own generation.

A nostalgic atmosphere was constructed as scenes from the iconic film unfolded on the screen behind a talented array of some of Australia’s most talented musicians from then and now.  The experience forced you back in time for a rare glance into the Australian surfing dream of the seventies and what an honour to be sharing the experience with the few people that lived it.

A sixty five year old Brian Cadd sat joking about his weary age before his powerful vocals tore through the theatre commanding the attention of every punter.  It was pure pleasure hearing his voice coupled with remastered footage of this classic film.   Watching songs like ‘Simple Ben’, Make It On Your Own’ and ‘Open Your Heart’ performed live partnered with imagery of long and seemingly endless golden waves was simply magic.  Australian performer Lior wasn’t even born when the movie was produced but his performance would have been sorely missed.  His harmonic vocals stayed true to the original music and his young face seemed to fit so perfectly among the array of original artists.  The evenings finale and probably the highlight of the evening was the final song where Rusty Miller joined the band on stage with his trusty harmonica.

I can safely say that the 40th Anniversary of ‘Morning Of The Earth’ tour was one of the greatest live music experiences of my life.

Story and photo’s with thanks to Stefan José from Worx