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This Is Northern New South Wales

A Smart Surfer!

Max Pendergast, and his wife Yvonne do something very special for the local surfing community
. They run the Annual Future Legends Kids Surf Meet. The thing that got our attention was a step-by-step colouring in book, and guide for the kids, called “A Smart Surfer”.

Max hand draws the illustrations, and curates them into a book to help kids under twelve with ocean awareness, surfing tutorials and water wise ideas. He hopes the subtle suggestions and warnings will educate our next generation of surfers, and with a combined 100 years of ocean experience between Max and Yvonne, the booklet is a little token for the grommets to enjoy the healthy lifestyle of surfing.

The book is in memory of the late Rell Sunn, a good friend of the Pendergast’s, who sadly passed away in 1998 after a long battler with Breast Cancer. To see photos from their kids event, click here.