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This Is Northern New South Wales

It’s all about the Kids

Childs Play : Wategos Beach : Buy Photo

What a weekend! Triathlons, Malibu Classics, and a whole lot of sunshine… but there was an annual surf event that at times goes by unnoticed, which is all about the kids.

Third Generation Byronians Max and Yvonne Pendergast put on their 17th Annual “Future Legends Kids Meet”, which was inspired by their late, great friend Rell Sunn (whom sadly passed away in 1998), whom used to run “The Menehuni” (Legendary Little People of Hawaii). The event is for kids under twelve.

The event is all about promoting surfers, who ride all crafts as equals, and educating the next generation the importance of understanding in the water, whilst enjoying the wonderful healthy sport of surfing. Every competitor is given an equal trophy, that comprises of a “Show Bag” of goodies donated by local businesses, and one of Max’s beautifully hand crafted books called “A Smart Surfer“, which is an educational colouring book for the grommets.

So next time your in Byron Bay for the Annual Malibu Classic (now in it’s 31st year), make sure you find out when the “Future Legends Kids Meet” is on, it’s a very cute sight to behold!

Father and Son : Wategos Beach : Buy Photo

Yvonne and Max : Wategos Beach : Buy Photo

Off off and away  : Wategos Beach : Buy Photo

Stoked : Wategos Beach : Buy Photo

Sharing : Wategos Beach : Buy Photo

Lots more photos of the kiddies can be seen here on our facebook page.