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This Is Northern New South Wales

People to know – Candice Briggs

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Candice Briggs was born in Melbourne (her birth last name is Kovacic, which comes from her fathers German Yugoslavian descent), but Byron raised since her mother made the sea change in search of warmer weather and a fresh start, with nothing but a car load of their belongings when Candice was 4 years old. Candice has remained living here ever since, with frequent adventures overseas – as a local she thinks it is incredibly important to take time away from here. We agree, here is a little about Candice.

KP – Claim to fame/day job/hobby/what are you known for?

I am known for being the “smiling assassin” – a nick name I was given while I was one of the trainers for Dan Northey’s Byron Bay Bootcamp.
The name has kind of stuck since then. I have quite a calm demeanour which spreads in to my professional role, with a splash of stern!

I spend my week days as a health & fitness trainer in Byron Bay where I have two main branches of my business: I do one on one transformational fitness coaching (post natal & major weight loss) and also run a popular outdoor group personal training program called “Byron Bay Women’s Fitness” for those who prefer to train out doors in a supportive female only environment. We do full body circuits, tabata training, a wee bit of cross fit, lots of pilates based abdominal work, and boxing on Hump day (Wednesdays).

Outside of my fitness role, I used to study Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, which I plan to return to and finish one day. I made a pact with myself earlier this year I would spend four days every six weeks somewhere other then Byron, so I have been spending a lot of long weekends in Melbourne this year, which has been loads of fun and is probably where I would live if I wasn’t here!

KP –  Is it your passion or just something you do?

It is very much close to my heart! I grew up relying on fitness and exercise to help improve my health as I suffered from severe asthma and allergies from birth, which then lead to becoming a competitive swimmer and ignited a keen passion for learning about how to live in optimal health and with maximal energy through movement and nutrition.

KP – What is your greatest career achievement?

I feel very blessed with the opportunities I have been given within my career so far. I find immense satisfaction in helping clients find their personal empowerment through taking responsibility for their health & happiness. When a client reaches their goals it is such a joy to be a part of the journey, and fortunately I get to witness that kind of magic happening in peoples lives regularly.

One of my first roles as a p.t was teaching for Byron Bay Bootcamp, for while there I was holding a class of up to 70 people at a time, that was pretty special… to have that much collective energy to work with at sunrise is loads of fun!!!

More recently I ran a wellness centre for Splendour in The Grass, I managed a nook of health backstage where artists and staff could retreat and find a slice of down time amongst the madness. It was a really different, and fun role to take on within my industry, and was well received, so I am looking forward to growing that in the years to come with Splendour!

My job is so dynamic, challenging, inspiring, and fun!
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KP – How do you give back to your community?

I shop locally! From clothing to beauty and fresh produce. We have such an abundance of talented people doing wonderful things in Byron, so I am always looking to support locally run businesses.

KP – What is your idea of perfect happiness?

I am a bit of a recluse outside such a social profession. I love solitude, so I can’t wait for the day I can buy land and build my own little slice of hidden away paradise, I have always wanted to build and design my own home, the thought of that brings great happiness. For now, give me a sunset bbq at wategoes with friends and I am a very happy woman!

KP – What is your greatest extravagance?

I love good food and wine – one of my motto’s is “never hesitate to spend money on good food” I am a Taurean, so we do have a tendency to enjoy the finer things in life… I find sharing good food with great company to be a really important and enriching part of my life.

KP –  What is your favourite Travel destination/why?

NYC – I spent a month there last year and I loved every single second of it. There is something to do at every moment of every day on every corner for anyone! There is endless fun to be had in New York. I can’t wait to go back.

KP – What is your most noticeable characteristic?

I have a wild mane. I was cursed with incredible curly hair at the age of 12 (before then it was dead straight) and it’s progressively getting more out of control the older I get.

KP – Who is your favourite superhero?

Captain Planet.

KP – Who are your hero’s in real life?

This year has been massive for me, and one of the biggest things I have been gifted, is being shown how lucky I am to have such supportive friends, wow… so blessed. In the broader realm, Timothy Ferriss is a bit of a hero for me.

KP – What do you value most in your friends?

Their presence, support and ability to truly listen (and call me on my stuff)! Plus they give great cuddles and know how to make me laugh.

KP – What is your most treasured possession?

My health!

KP – If you could choose what to come back as what/who would it be?

A Dolphin. Such a Byron answer I know… but it’s true.

KP –  Which words phrases do you overuse?

“You’ve got this!”

KP –  If money was no object what would you do?

Take more risks – an honest answer. It’s amazing how much fear of losing our money can hold us back, I grew up on the breadline so I am still getting used to earning a healthy living as the owner of my own business, which I am forever learning from and grateful for.

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