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This Is Northern New South Wales

Talent in the form of Twins!

Sebastian and Jonatan Lundmark : photo : Beck Rocchi

Byron Bay has such a transient population. The locals get used to seeing one person one day, then they are gone the next. It’s one of the part’s of Byron that people both love, and at times hate. But at the end of the day, it’s really what gives Byron Bay it’s wonderful feel. The diversity in it’s people.

Sebastian and Jonatan Lundmark are Swedish Twins who now call Byron Bay home. They are filmmakers in their final stages of study at SAE in film. You might have noticed our last two web-clips have been done by their production company Rest Your Eyes. The boys seem to sum up this town in a beautiful way, with fresh anew-ed eyes that ooze passion and creativity.

Ok, Common Ground has a tip for you in recognising who’s who. Sebastian (on left above) reckons he is more stylish. Jonatan surf’s regular-foot, while Sebastian is a goofy-foot. I’ve also noticed Jonatan’s nose has more of a outwards curve than Sebastian. Anyway, we are really proud to have a pair like these two in Byron. To see how beautifully they capture our home, see the video’s below…

Thanks boys,


Sunday sessions Byron Bay from Rest Your Eyes on Vimeo.



Lonley surf at beautiful Wategoes from Rest Your Eyes on Vimeo.
