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This Is Northern New South Wales

The 114th Bangalow Show! (Photos)

The Bangalow Show is in full swing this weekend. This is the 114th show and The Bangalow A & I Society is a well loved and respected organisation in our community. This year they have introduced “Sculpture in the paddock” where art meets the realities of life on the land. Eight local artists were “matched up” with eight farming families from the region some of whom have been here for over 5 generations. They have all created sculptural pieces using objects they have found on the farm. If you have the time go and check it out.

Yesterday I was chatting to Mr Crieghton from Casino he is 88 years old and was watching his grandson in the camp draft events. When you take the time to talk to someone much older than you at these events you learn so much history about our region. They also find the coolest spots to sit, in the shade of a big old Jacaranda tree catching the breeze in the 30+ degree heat!